🔥 Website hacking bug Bounty hunting Course
☣️H4CK£S UN1T€☣️ 🔰🛡️Website Hacking / Penetration Testing & Bug Bounty Hunting !! ⏩Become a bug bounty hunter! Hack websites & web applications like black hat hackers and secure them like experts. 🌀What you’ll learn : Install hacking lab & needed software (works on Windows, OS X and Linux). Discover, exploit and mitigate a number of dangerous vulnerabilities. Use advanced techniques to discover and exploit these vulnerabilities. Bypass security measurements and escalate privileges. Intercept requests using a proxy. Hack all websites on same server. Bypass filters and client-side security Adopt SQL queries to discover and exploit SQL injections in secure pages Gain full control over target server using SQL injections Discover & exploit blind SQL injections Install Kali Linux – a penetration testing operating system Install windows & vulnerable operating systems as virtual machines for testing Learn l...